Nice to meet you!

Hey there, we are here to help you with your team routines. On the following pages, we'll give you a short intro on how to use this Power-Up.

You will also be able to make adjustments to the Power-Up settings. These settings apply for all users of this board.

You will also be able to authorize the Power-Up to access this board. You will be asked to do so on page 'Allow Access' of this wizard.

Note: Somebody has already set up the Power-Up for this board. To avoid confusion, we have locked setting options on the following pages. If you wish to make changes, come back to this wizard later via the 'Edit Power-Up Settings' in the Power-Up menu.

Thanks, but take me straight to the authorization step.

Processes and Tasks

Attach a process to any card via Attach Process in the 'Power-Ups' section.

Use Add a Task to define sub tasks. For each sub task a new card is automatically created.

Great! Please create new task cards at the


Temporal Dependencies

Use Add holding point to make following tasks 'hold' until all preceding tasks are done.

Reorder steps any time via drag and drop. Remove tasks via the control (hover over a task to see it).

Automatically delete associated cards when removing sub tasks.

Navigation and Task States

Click on a task title in the 'Process' section to open the associated task card. Click on the Process label to get back to the process card.

Use the label State on a task card to change its state. If you use the holding point feature, this will also update the state of dependant cards.

Mark due date complete on Done
Remove members on Done

State Management

In addition, we can automatically update task states for you when a card is moved between lists.

Cool, please use

for open tasks.
for started tasks.
for done tasks.

Allow Access

In order to manage task cards for you and to provide advanced features like process templates we need you to grant us access to your boards.

This step must be repeated by every team member.

Please keep me informed on updates to this Power-Up (optional).

Access has been granted (select 'Remove Personal Settings' from the Power-Up menu to revoke access).

Process Templates

Have a separate board with process templates represented by individual lists. Cards named --- (3x 'minus') define holding points.

Templates are available via the Attach Process button, which will clone all template cards and link them to the parent card.

Good to know, find my templates on board

That's it

Enjoy your journey towards better team productivity and less hustle with your team workflows.

You can come back to this dialog and make adjustments any time via the 'Edit Power-Up Settings' option in the Power-Up menu.